Begin With The End In Mind: Kindgom-Minded

2nd Corinthians 4:17 says “For a light and momentary troubles are achieving for us in eternal glory that far away them all. So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, what is unseen is eternal.” When I think about the...

How To Be Unshockable: Kingdom-Minded

This week we continue the core value of being Kingdom minded. I love the idea of being unshockable. Think of the phrase when you hear someone say, “I am just shocked!” or “That doesn’t shock me a bit.” One of the definitions of shock is...

How’s Your Heart Posture?: Kingdom-Minded

Hi everybody. We are entering the 4th month of going through our core values. And our core value this month is being Kingdom Minded. When we are kingdom-minded: We have the eyes to see individuals and how God has created them. We are unshockable in what the world...

Mephibosheth Who?: Relational

Hello, my friends, and thank you for allowing me to take a few minutes of your time to talk about one of our core values, Relational. I love how the Bible uses story to illustrate the deep truths of God. So I’m going to share a story. It’s kind of an...

I “See” You: Relational

Hi, friends. We’ve talked a lot about how listening is a great relational quality. And last week Greg ended with the question about how can we talk less and listen more. So I wanted to take that a step further. I wonder and think about this… What do you notice...

Know God, Ourselves, & Others: Relational

Good morning everyone and welcome to week two of reflecting on our core value of being Relational. As I was thinking about this, what struck me is that the scriptures over and over talk about how our God is an intentionally relational God who wants us to emulate him....