Volunteering… Where Purpose and Passion Meet.
Click on the community nearest you and sign up today!
Pella, IA
Click to Sign up Today!
Fairfield, IA
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Knoxville, IA
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Ames, IA
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Newton, IA
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At The Well, we know you want to be a valuable contributor doing purposeful work for your community. For that to happen, you need a place where you belong, you are known, and you are valued for who God made you to be. The problem is, you don’t want to work just anywhere, or be tied down with a rigid schedule, which may leave you feeling useless, a little bored, and possibly unwanted. You shouldn’t let your spare time and talent go to waste… we understand and make it easy to serve! That’s why at The Well, each year more than 250 people contribute over 30,000 volunteer hours, bringing their passion and dedication to serving others for the kingdom.
Here’s what you can do!
Sign up Online
Select your community, share your contact info, interests, and even your T-shirt size!
Come in and take a look
We’ll give you a tour and match your interests to something you’d like to do.
Get Started
We’ll get you plugged in as little or as much as you’d like. You can always serve in multiple areas too!
Become Part of The Well Family
We value you! You’ll soon be one of the crew!
Serve Purposefully
You will find meaning in serving the Kingdom with others.
Don’t miss this opportunity to use your time and talent doing meaningful kingdom work… while setting your own schedule. Only have an hour? No problem! Want to help a couple times a week? Super! You will soon be meeting new people and loving every minute of serving with others. We guarantee you’ll never be the same.
Check out these volunteer opportunities in your community:
Pella, Knoxville, Fairfield
Hospitality desk volunteers welcome guests, help with phone reception and scheduling appointments. Volunteer Care Coordinators team up with staff to meet with people struggling in life, listen to their story, and together figure out options to move forward in life.

Pella, Knoxville, Fairfield
Volunteers and Service Groups help with classes and programming through facilitating sessions, mentoring, providing or serving meals, childcare, and support through prayer and intercession.

Pella, Fairfield
Volunteers engage directly with Works clients in our light manufacturing environment. Provide a positive presence while working alongside the team, helping to move and stage the work, and/or driving truck for pickups and deliveries.

Pella, Knoxville, Fairfield, Newton
Volunteers help through the entire process! You can greet donors dropping off donations, sort and organize items, price, stage merchandise, or help at the sales register. We connect with each person coming through the door, welcoming them with the same love of Jesus. People think our stores “feel” different. We know why.

Unique Skills and Interests
Have a special interest or skill you want to put to use? We may leverage you in creative ways. Let us know!

We ask all of our volunteers to learn more about The Well, our model and approach to serving those struggling, an introduction to Poverty, and some of the volunteer expectations while you’re here. Watch each of our video trainings below! For more information, contact The Well Resource Center in your community, or email info@thewelliowa.org.