This week we continue the core value of being Kingdom minded. I love the idea of being unshockable. Think of the phrase when you hear someone say, “I am just shocked!” or “That doesn’t shock me a bit.” One of the definitions of shock is to strike with surprise, terror, horror or disgust.

I remember when my kids were born, I would often think, when they are older, I want them to be able to tell me anything. Trust me enough to not think I would freak out if they told me anything shocking. My twins were just babies, but already in my mind. I was planning for the big bombshells they were going to drop on me as teenagers and I wanted to be the calm parent who could be trusted and not react. I would often say to them, “You can tell me anything”, and when they did, I would be really calm and not freak out.

I kept the bigger goal in mind. I don’t think my plan ever fully worked, but I do know I had a picture of what I wanted our relationship to be 20 years in the making. So when I think of having a Kingdom mindset, it’s like rising above what’s going on in the moment and focusing on the end game. But you have to have an end game already in mind. When the world is throwing things at us and we are struggling with people around us, we need to get out of the muck and mess and try to understand, how does this fit into the end game.

One of the verses that helps me get out of this earthly mess and muck and thinking more Kingdom minded is Ephesians 6:10-12 and I’ll read it.

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

We are in a battle, some of you with your children, so try not to be shocked when they tell you things.

But we are all in a spiritual battle, and I’m looking at what the world is throwing at each of us and want to encourage all of us to focus on the end game, the bigger picture. How can we not be shocked and surprised, disgusted or horrified by other people, our families, other organizations, what’s happening in the news and understand there’s a bigger story happening?

So I have a couple of questions.

  1. Have you ever thought of yourself being in a spiritual battle? And what does that even mean?
  2. And the second question is, how could it change your perspective of other people, knowing that the Bible says we are in a struggle not against each other, not against people, but against spiritual forces of evil?

Know that our real battle is not with people, but with the spiritual forces of evil in the world. Thanks everyone. – Sandy