We had a young man come to the Resource Center that was dealing with grief and fear.  His grandmother, who he had been living with and taking care of for some time, had just passed away two weeks prior. The location where they were living had just notified him that he had to move in two weeks. He was in tears throughout his appointment. The wounds of losing his loved one were extremely fresh, and he was trying to make sense of the manager’s motives, very scared about the uncertainty of where he was going to live, and at a loss for what to do.

While the Resource Center certainly does not provide legal advice, team members do have legal knowledge on many different topics and often help clients process the situation they are in, understand potential paths forward, and assist with finding resources to help resolve situations. In this case, the Resource Center was able to help the client understand his options and then contacted a local law firm that The Well has connections with to step in on the client’s behalf.

Our client stopped in before the holiday weekend to give us an update on his situation regarding the legal assistance he was receiving from the local law firm. The sense of relief on his face was evident. Instead of dealing with the extreme stress of not knowing where he was going to live, he was looking forward to some holiday weekend plans. We can all relate to times when God has moved someone in our path to advocate for us and help give us a voice when we felt totally alone with nowhere to turn. This is one example of many where God has used The Well to give hope to the helpless, peace to the weary, and a voice to those that otherwise may be taken advantage of or pushed around.